
スペクトログラムの学習用データの生成を自動化する [AI]




Python のスケッチを次にあげておきます。見通しをよくするために幾つか関数に分離をしていますが、前回のアルゴリズムをそのまま踏襲しています。追加した処理は、次の3点です。

(1) 無音時のノイズ処理(スペクトラムの範囲を決められない為)
(2) ランダムにシフト量とゲイン量を算出する処理
(3) スペクトラムをリサイズして画像として保存する処理

import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
import random
import os
import as wav
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numpy.lib import stride_tricks
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
from numpy.fft import rfft

""" short time fourier transform of audio signal """
def stft(samples, frameSize, overlapFac = 0.5, window = np.hanning):
    win = window(frameSize)
    hopSize = int(frameSize - np.floor(overlapFac * frameSize))
    # cols for windowing
    cols = np.floor(len(samples) / hopSize) - 1
    # print("cols: ", cols)
    # make an array in 2nd dimension with hopSize
    frames = as_strided(samples, shape=(int(cols), frameSize), strides = (samples.strides[0] * hopSize, samples.strides[0])).copy()
    frames = frames * win

    return rfft(frames)    

def spectrogram_detector(spectrogram):
    spectro_mean = np.mean(spectrogram, axis=1)
    threshold = np.ceil(np.mean(spectro_mean)) 
    threshold = np.ceil(np.mean(spectro_mean[spectro_mean <= threshold]))  # pick up only noise signals
    print("threshold: ", threshold)
    offset = 5
    up_trigger = 0
    down_trigger = 0
    for i in range(offset, spectro_mean.shape[0]-offset):
        cur_floor = int(np.mean(spectro_mean[i:i+offset-1]))
        pre_floor = int(np.mean(spectro_mean[i-offset:i-1]))
        if ((cur_floor > threshold) and (pre_floor <= threshold) and (up_trigger == 0)):
            up_trigger = i
        if ((cur_floor <= threshold) and (pre_floor > threshold)):
            down_trigger = i
    print("up_trigger  : ", up_trigger)
    print("down_trigger: ", down_trigger)
    return up_trigger, down_trigger

def augmentator(spectrogram, left, right, signal):
    axis_max = spectrogram.shape[0]
    if (signal == 0): # in case of zero1.wav
        left = random.randint(0, np.floor(axis_max/2))
        right = random.randint(np.ceil(axis_max/2), axis_max-1)
    left_or_right = random.randint(0,1)
    if (left_or_right > 0): # 1 is right, 0 is left
        move = random.randint(right, axis_max-1)
        move = move - right
        move = random.randint(0,left)
        move = -move
    print("move: ", move)
    spectrogram_result = spectrogram.copy()
    spectrogram_body = spectrogram[left:right, :] # extract spectoram data
    #if the shift is left, the value is minus, the shift is right, tha value is plus
    if (move < 0):
        spectrogram_noise = spectrogram[left+move:left,:]
        spectrogram_result[left+move:right+move,:] = spectrogram_body
        spectrogram_result[right+move:right,:] = spectrogram_noise
    elif (move > 0):
        spectrogram_noise = spectrogram[right:right+move,:]
        spectrogram_result[left+move:right+move,:] = spectrogram_body
        spectrogram_result[left:left+move,:] = spectrogram_noise

    max_gain = 255 / np.max(spectrogram)   # maximum gain
    gain = random.uniform(0.67, max_gain)
    print("gain: ", gain)
    return spectrogram_result * gain

def plot_spectrogram(spectrogram, time_axis, freq_axis, time_interval, frequency_map):
    plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8))
    plt.imshow(np.transpose(spectrogram), origin="lower", aspect="auto", cmap="jet", interpolation="none")

    plt.xlabel("time (s)")
    plt.ylabel("frequency (hz)")
    plt.xlim([0, time_axis-1])
    plt.ylim([0, freq_axis-1])

    xlocs = np.float32(np.linspace(0, time_axis-1, 5))
    plt.xticks(xlocs, ["%.02f" % i for i in (xlocs * time_interval)])
    ylocs = np.int16(np.floor(np.linspace(0, freq_axis-1, 10)))
    plt.yticks(ylocs, ["%.02f" % frequency_map[i] for i in ylocs])
def gen_spectrogram(wavfile, frameSize):
    sample_rate, samples =
    print("sample_rate:", sample_rate)
    print("num_of_samples:", len(samples))

    spectrogram = stft(samples, frameSize)
    frequency_map = np.fft.fftfreq(frameSize, 1. / sample_rate)
    spectrogram = 20. * np.log10(np.abs(spectrogram)) # amplitude to decibel

    # spectrogaram has an extra colum, so slice it
    spectrogram = spectrogram[:,:int(np.floor(frameSize/2))]
    spectrogram -= np.min(spectrogram) # normalize
    return spectrogram, sample_rate, frequency_map
def main():
    frameSize = 256
    output_img_size = 32
    num_of_augdata = 5 
    wavfiles = ['./wav/zero1.wav', './wav/ichi1.wav', './wav/ni1.wav', './wav/san1.wav']
    for i in range(len(wavfiles)):
        spectrogram, sample_rate, frequency_map = gen_spectrogram(wavfiles[i], frameSize)
        time_dim, freq_dim = np.shape(spectrogram)
        time_interval = frameSize / sample_rate 
        plot_spectrogram(spectrogram, time_dim, freq_dim, time_interval, frequency_map)

        # detect the range of spectrogram signal
        left, right = spectrogram_detector(spectrogram)

        data_dir = "./" + str(i)
        if not os.path.exists(data_dir):
        for n in range(num_of_augdata):
            # spectrogram data augmentator
            spectro_aug = augmentator(spectrogram, left, right, i)
            # plot_spectrogram(spectro_aug, time_dim, freq_dim, time_interval, frequency_map)
            spectro_img = cv.resize(spectro_aug, (output_img_size, output_img_size))
            spectro_img = np.rot90(spectro_img)
            data_path = data_dir + "/" + str(n) + ".bmp"
            cv.imwrite(data_path, spectro_img)
if __name__ == "__main__":




  • 出版社/メーカー: コロナ社
  • 発売日: 2018/04/04
  • メディア: 単行本

Pythonデータサイエンスハンドブック ―Jupyter、NumPy、pandas、Matplotlib、scikit-learnを使ったデータ分析、機械学習

Pythonデータサイエンスハンドブック ―Jupyter、NumPy、pandas、Matplotlib、scikit-learnを使ったデータ分析、機械学習

  • 出版社/メーカー: オライリージャパン
  • 発売日: 2018/05/26
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)

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